“Jesus” means "pig" in Latin, "praise to zeus" a false god in Greek and "horse" in Hebrew!

“ Jesus” means "pig" in Latin, "praise to zeus" a false god in Greek and "horse" in Hebrew! Arnulfo Laniba: Letter J was added to the language only in AD 1524. 1524 Both I and J were used interchangeably by scribes to express the sound of both the vowel and the consonant. It wasn't until 1524 when Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian Renaissance grammarian known as the father of the letter J, made a clear distinction between the two sounds. Meet The Man Responsible For The Letter "J" - Dictionary.com https://www.dictionary.com › j How old is the letter J in (modern) Hebrew? 500 years old Source: The letter "J" is only 500 years old — Warriors Of The Ruwach https://warriorsoftheruwach.com › the-letter-j *** We need to purify our language/s especially the name of our Creator/Savior to stop insulting and disrespecting God and stop this brazen lack of gratitude! Like it or not, we ...