To all God-worshippers especially the Catholic,

Think of this… analyze this:

What does the phrase “Living God” mean to you?

“That He is alive? That He is somewhere?”

What else?

“That He is out there?”

What more specifics?

That His ears are listening to your request and wishes, not closed like the ears of the idol that cannot hear,

And that His mouth is not mute like the mouth of the idols, but talks or communicates to you, either verbally or telepathically, that is, mentally or emotionally.

In short, there is a two-way communication between you and Him.

Now, there is a growing number of men and women, few in comparison to the general public, who claim to be having this two-communication with God, not always in the same way, but some receive God’s word by hearing a voice between their ears and heart; others by receiving thoughts; others via message in nature; others by exact verse in the Bible to what they are seeking; perhaps because they are more spiritual, a few are allowing to be a real time mouth piece of either the Father or of Christ or other spiritually ascended angelic spirit who speaks through the human instrument or channel.

These communications are recorded as great books, audios and videos and are published in the internet, printed as books, distributed as USBs, CDs, etc. to maximize circulation and maximize the ascension of human consciousness.

One of the greatest scribe who heard God speaking to him and wrote them into enormous volumes of books is Jakob Lorber, a Jew living in Austria. You can download one of the books, The Great Gospel of John, from

Another communication which more interesting in the sense that the writer can ask and get instant answer also in the form of ‘audible’ words spoken between his ears and heart, is Neale Donald Walsch. You can check out his books, one of which is “Conversations with God” in 3 volumes.

This is so far more on writing it.

But others receive divine messages by allowing their mind to experience an altered state to be the mouthpiece of the divine spirit, be it Jesus or God the Father or an angel.

Examples of this type of communication from the living God are:

·    Lee Carol from a highly evolved godly spirit being using the name Kryon

·    Darryl Anka channeling another highly evolved being angelic named Bashar

·    Barbara Marciniak for the Pleiadians and Galactic Federation;

·     Tina Spalding is interesting as she channels (let herself speak for) Jesus and Ananda, a group of evolved spirit beings;

·    Year ago, I acquired books from Annie Kirkwood who wrote the messages from both mother Mary and Jesus and a group of angels who call themselves The Brotherhood

·    A special one occurs with Linda Newkirk who claimed to have been taken to the spirit world by Jesus to see future events and wrote them into 12 volumes “Prophecies from the Mountains”… this is special in the sense that detailed prophecies for the end-time years are given to expound the general outline of end-time prophecy found in the Book of Revelation written by the apostle John. So, for example, details of the 7 seals, what or who they are; details on the 7 Trumpets, what they are and who cause them; and details on the 7 Last Plagues and who cause them to correct the idea that they are caused by or are punishments from God, or from the Lamb of God or by mother Earth. Ms Newkirk’s books point to the real culprit: the blind leader (Illuminati et al) and the blind followers (the masses). A way of escape from the plagues is also given.

·    Many others.

I can go on and on for there are  indeed many of them who fulfill the prophecy in Joel 2:28-29 which says that when God pours the Holy Spirit in the last days, many men and women, young and old will receive visions or communications or messages from the Above, e.g., God and the angels.


Let us quote the answer from prophet Lehi: To restore the missing “many plains and precious things taken away by the apostate Church from the Book of the Lamb and from the books of the apostles in order to cause the nations to stumble greatly.”

This is recorded in the books of Nephi, presently preserved in the Book of Mormons. Both Lehi and his son Nephi of the tribe of Manasseh, son of Joseph, son of Jacob-Israel, are prophets appointed by the same God who called Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Daniel and other prophets included in the Christian Holy Bible.

Emperor Constantine and the Roman priests excluded the books of Nephi in their compilation of the Holy Bible at the Council of Nicaea AD 325.

The 3 books of Nephi which records his father Lehi’s prophecies are “too glaringly hot an expose” for the bible compilers who had monetary interest.

There are many other books, audios, videos of divine messages I have not mentioned here to avoid making too long an article.


4 “Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.

5 They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not:

6 They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not:

7 They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat.

8 They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.”


Take note: To worship means to obey, thus, to be like the one he worships.

Ang worshippers in the end will become like to the one they worshipped.

That is why David says, in verse 8: “They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.”

Both the sculptor and the users… the lay members who use these idols… will eventually liken or become similar to the idols they worship: even though they have eyes but they will not see or read God’s books and answers; even though they have ears but they will not hear God’s voice; even though they have mouth but their prayers are request are not answered and their mouth do not become God’s microphone or speaker (channel) but the tool of the enemy… for they speak things that are not glad tidings nor bring glad tidings.

The men and women I had enumerated above, stopped worshipping man-made idols and went to directly communed with or communicate with God.

Result: The Living God “talks”or communicate to them… the once mute mouth of God suddenly speaks, God suddenly becomes a talking God to them; the allegedly blind eyes of God suddenly see their sufferings and answered their prayers,  and alleged deaf ears of God suddenly heard their call… God and his senses suddenly become alive to them… not because God was actually blind, deaf and mute… but it was them, the people who make their eyes like the eyes of their idols, make their mouth mute like their idols, make their ears deaf like their idols… but now, these pioneers have their once deaf ears suddenly hear God, their once blind eyes suddenly see or read God’s messages in written word or written in Nature… their mouth begins to speak God’s words.

Both God and they suddenly become alive!


Now, as they say, The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Modern translation: The proof of whether the icing of the cake is delicious is in eating it.

So I say to you: My irrefutable proof exists if you eat… read: digest… these books, audios and video messages.


When your ears finally hear, your eyes finally see or read, and God’s mouth finally becomes a talking mouth… then, finally and at last, YOU HAVE found THE LIVING GOD and the LIVE CHRIST!

Congrats! And Godblessmuch! 


  1. Then you will experience and witness God’s mouth talking (communicating) to you in two ways, to wit: first-hand direct (to your mind and heart personally) and second-hand direct in the form books, audios, videos, of His direct dictation via His closer human servants serving as scribes, channels (righteous medium) like Jakob Lorber (scribe) (; Neale Donald Walsch (scribe), Will Berlinghof ( as mouthpiece/ channel of God-Christ as Cosmic Awareness; Tina Spalding (medium/ channel) of Jesus and Ananda; Barbara Marciniak (mouthpiece/ spokeswoman/ channel of the Pleiadians); Darryl Anka (mouthpiece/ spokesman/ channel of angel Bashar);
    Lee Carol (mouthpiece/ spokesman/ channel of angel Kryon); and many many others who form the fulfillers of Joel 2:28-29 prophecy: And I will pour My Holy Spirit on the last days… more abundantly in those latter rains… and many men and women, young and old, will see visions (messages).
    Most of them can be found by typing their names at YouTube as well as Google.


  2. Prophet Lehi in the books of Nephi (Book of Mormon) specially mentioned that John would reincarnate to restore the missing “many plain and precious things taken from the Book of the Lamb”.
    This is fulfilled by Jakob Lorber who wrote the Lord’s own version of the gospel, as full text, to complement “The Gospel according to Matthew,” “The Gospel according to Mark,” “The Gospel according to Luke,” and “The Gospel according to John,” – all four are only 36 pages when merge and duplication removed, while the Lord’s own version, titled “The Great Gospel according to Jesus Christ thru John” (shortened name: THE GREAT GOSPEL OF [THRU] JOHN) is 7,500 pages, English translation by F Corne.

    Prophet Lehi prophesied that one of the 12 apostles named John will restore the lost many plains and precious things taken from the Book of the Lamb.
    What is this Book of the Lamb?
    Nothing else but the Book authored, directly and personally dictated by the Lamb (that is, the Lord Yehushua Christ) to Jakob Lorber, the end-time reincarnation of John, titled “The Great Gospel [according to Jesus Christ] thru John”.

    The Book of the Lamb mentioned by prophet Lehi in the books of Nephi is none other than “The Great Gospel according to Jesus Christ thru John”. It is the source from which most of the “many plains and precious things were taken by the apostate Church from the Book of the Lamb…”

  3. How much was taken or removed or missing from the Holy Bible?... How much is this what prophet Lehi described as “many” plain and precious things taken from the Book of the Lamb?
    Calculating by pages, deduct the 36 pages of the merged four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, from the total number of 7,500 pages of the Lord’s Book, you will have 7,464 pages missing… taken away by the whore apostate Church… willfully and intentionally to cause the nations to err and stumble!
    That is the first idea to show you how huge (!) are the things the apostate church has taken away!
    When you proceed to the other books, in the case of those dictated to Jakob Lorber, there is also “The Household of God” in three volumes, over 1,500 pages in all, which is the true history of the Old Testament time; the books which records what has been going on the the beyond after death such as “Bishop Martin,” “From Hell to Heaven,” “Robert Blum” in 2 volumes about the life of a seeker and fighter for freedom; books dealing with the details of the stars, planets and the whole universe, etc. then, your doubt will no longer find any space to remain in your mind! The removal and deletion of precious truths is indeed very massive!
    So the statement of pastor Bart Ehrman that the lost pages from the New Testament, for example, are insignificant is not true.
    We are talking of the Book of the Lamb and from the Lamb, not yet the books of the apostles which are now grouped as “The Lost Books of the Bible” and are now numbering over 50 and continues to grow as more volumes still in private hands are now made available to the public via the internet.
    This huge influx of God’s truths likened to the latter rains or greater second harvest, as the first harvest (Pentecost) was smaller, is also mentioned in the Gospel according to John, chapters 14 & 16 where the Lord described of the time when He would send the Comforter (Holy Spirit) to do at least two things to mankind, to wit:
    1) “to remind you of all the things I had taught you” - that is, during His 3-year earth ministry. The book “The Great Gospel thru John” is the full text and the full version of the 3-year teachings and deeds of our Lord… this is the main Book that reminds us of all the truths that He had taught us during His first coming;
    2) “To guide into ALL the truths” that are not yet taught or revealed. The books revealed/ dictated to Lorber, Bertha Dudde, Neale Walsch, Annie Kirkwood, Linda Newkirk, etc. are new and most of them have never been taught or revealed by the Lord during His first coming. Through the Holy Spirit, or Comforter, the Father and Lord “guides us into ALL the truths.”
    Joh 14:26 [niv] “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
    [kjv]But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”

    Joh 16:12 [niv] "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.
    [kjv]I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
    Joh 16:13 [niv] But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
    [kjv] Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”
    Those who say and have taught the people that the Word of God or the Holy Bible is complete… that there is no more additional revelation after John’s book of Revelation which is considered as the last book of the Christian Bible… these people are liars! They perpetuate the sin of idolatry or worshipping the mute idols who cannot talk or speak additional revelations, thus, leave their worshippers dumb and ignorant of the present and future… thus, they stumble tremendously great!


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