Introduction by the Lord to His Word

“The Household of God”

The writer of this work sought in all earnest and found what he had sought. He asked and it was given to him, and since he knocked at the right door, it was opened to him and to all those who are of a good heart and will. But those who did not seek with the heart, but always only with their presumed pure reason and keep examining and criticizing, they knock only on the hard and dead shell of matter instead of the living name of the eternal Giver of all good gifts, and they shall not be given and it will not be opened to them. For the Spirit of the Lord never reveals Itself through the intellect of the worldly-wise, but only in and through the simplicity of the heart to those who are regarded as fools by the worldly-wise. However, soon the intellect of the wise of the world will come to nothing before the simplicity of the fools.

He who will read this work with a humble, grateful and devout heart will gain from it much grace and blessing, and he will not fail to recognize the true author of the work. However, to the pure-reason-caste it does not make any difference whether they read Daniel, a Sir Walter Scott, or a Rousseau or Hegel; because for the worldly thinking everything is worldly and a higher communication from on high is regarded as an irresponsible fancy of ignorant, fanciful people who through their mysticism want to become someone or achieve something because they cannot do that on the road of pure reason which they do not possess.

But do not let this deceive foul How often the tour Gospels have been distrusted! But are they because of it of less value in the hearts of the true believers in God? How often have I, the Lord and Giver of life and every gift of true benefit to the latter, been declared by the worldly-wise as just a man, as a mesmerist, also as a fraud and even as a purely fictitious person; and at present millions regard Me as such! Yet other millions are not led astray by it. They, as doers of My Word and not just hearers of it, understood in the simplicity of their hearts that Jesus of Nazareth was more than what the many worldly scholars take Him for. Therefore, where this work is concerned, let no one be influenced by the judgment of the world, which accepts only what is of its own kind, but let him listen only to the voice of the heart of the unsophisticated. They will express a correct opinion to everyone before the eyes of the good Giver. But the intellect of the worldly- wise will on many occasions find this a stumbling block. Good for the one who is not completely shipwrecked in the process!

He who reads this work and regards it as spiritual inspiration, but is not yet clear in his mind 'whether it comes from a lower or a higher spirit', is still extremely blind and the cover of his worldly intellect still mightily veils the vision of his heart.

Whoever has a living faith in Me is surely familiar with My strength, kindness and supreme wisdom, and he will, and must, understand that I possess strength and wisdom in eternal abundance and am surely able to oust forever the enemy from the field I am cultivating; for I and Satan have not ever yet used the plough in one and the same furrow. Unfortunately, this does happen where the intellect of the selfish world is involved, which is itself dark and sees everywhere nothing but darkness. However, in the eyes of those who are taught and educated by the Father everything appears quite different, for to the truly pure and enlightened all is pure and has sufficient light.

Let those who gay that in order to be acceptable as inspired from on high this work lacks simplicity, tranquility and range of vision, as well as a certain depth in the whole of its ideology, be briefly told that they should examine their heart very carefully as to whether they themselves do not lack what they are missing in the Word. But they expressed their opinion so that, as European scholars, they have said something, too, about this work without having penetrated to the bottom of it. For in order to express an opinion obviously more is required than a superficial perusal of a section of the work.

What do such readers regard as simplicity? I think that writings which, despite the necessary, for the limited human understanding so mysterious abundance and depth of what they otter, are presented in a way that even children can properly understand them, once they are able to read reason- ably well and are capable of thinking beyond the first rudiments of writing and arithmetic, could really not be lacking in a certain simplicity. Pictures and language do not ever imply the simplicity of a writing, but only the easy comprehension of an ever so simple heart that can find its way in such a writing, Everything else like an antiquated, awkward language and several thousands of years old corresponding allegories - is as far from simplicity as is the intellect of the worldly-wise. And as for the remarks about the needed tranquility and range of vision and the required depth in the whole of the ideology, there is all the more of all that contained in this work, the more the criticizing worldly wisdom imagines it to be lacking; for that which gives tranquility to the heart must itself have tranquility in abundance. Of course, it cannot give tranquility to the intellect, which is not receptive to this and, therefore, cannot find tranquility in a writing, as a stream cannot find it until it has reached the greatest depth of the sea. However, if the intellect of the worldly-wise could humble itself and descend from its presumed height into the simple little chamber of the heart, it would then out of this tranquility find the tranquility believed missing in this work and the fullest range of vision within it. But as long as the intellect is like a weather-cock on the spire of earthly wisdom, continuously turned in all directions by various winds of doubt, it will probably not find anywhere the tranquility it does not possess itself, nor the usual range of vision it enjoys on its windy height

If someone misses in this work a certain depth of the whole ideology, let him be told that the Giver of this writing did not intend to develop in those who read it in the true tranquility and simplicity of their heart as what it actually is, such a view, which unfortunately has already spread too much among people, but simply to awaken a godliness and gratitude and there from a living faith and the proper love for God and the fellowman and to animate it to be lasting.

Besides, those who read this writing with the fight attitude are still going to attain a sufficient depth in the better ideology without the help of scholars who by war of their futile rational examinations are not likely ever to reach the proper depths of the total view of the world and universes, which only in this work can be found by the fight type of reader, - irrespective of other later works wherein, as it were, the sun and with it all the planets, solar and central solar systems are materially and, above all, spiritually, sufficiently comprehensibly and fully described and revealed.

If in a work the material, and especially the spiritual, development of all created things from the very beginning - thus already during eternal periods and states of existence - is presented with sufficient clarity and somebody still finds too little depth in the supposedly lacking ideology, truly, in all the heavens there would not be found an eye-ointment with the help of which such scholars could cure their most regrettable short-sightedness.

"We simple and unsophisticated lovers of God", the proper readers of this work have every right to say, "have, except for God's university in our hearts, never attended another, neither in Paris nor in Jena and Goettingen, yet we do not wish to change places with all your celebrated worldly wisdom; for we prefer our inner beholding of the depths of our holy Father's great creations to your thousand years of research with covered sight We can see from your calendar how far your telescopes and mathematical lines are reaching, and your ways are familiar to us. However, how far the enlightened sight of our hearts resting in God reaches, to measure that your instruments and mathematical lines would not reach far enough and fail in their mathematics."

So whoever wishes to read this work with true benefit to his soul, let him read it in the simplicity of his devout heart without being a censor in the worldly way but let him always be only a careful householder of his heart, and he will find in this work in abundance what some highly educated readers have unfortunately not found.

And now all My blessing and grace to the fight readers of a pure heart and good will! Amen.


Thus spoke the Lord to me and within me for everyone, and that is true, faithful and certain:

1. Whoever wishes to talk with Me, let him come to Me and I shall lay the answer in his heart. But only the pure whose heart is full of meekness shall hear the sound of My voice.

2. And he who prefers Me to all the world and loves Me like a tender bride her bridegroom, with him I shall walk arm in arm, and he will always behold Me like a brother his brother, and as I beheld him from eternity, before he was.

3. Tell the sick, they shall not grieve about their sickness, but turn to Me in all earnest and trust Me completely. I shall comfort them, and a stream of the most precious balm will flow into their heart, and the fountain of eternal life will inexhaustibly manifest within them. They will recover and shall be refreshed like the grass after a downpour.

4. Tell those who seek Me: I am the true 'everywhere' and 'nowhere'. I am everywhere where people love Me and keep My commandments and nowhere where I am only praised and worshipped. For is not love more than prayer and the keeping of the commandments more than worship? Verily, verily, I say to you: He who loves Me worships Me in spirit, and he who keeps My commandments is the one who truly reveres Me. But only he who loves Me can keep My commandments, and the one who loves Me has only one commandment - that he love Me and My living Word which is the true everlasting life.

5. Tell the weak from My mouth: I am a powerful God. Let them all turn to Me and I shall perfect them. Of the flycatcher I shall make a lion-tamer, and the fearful shall destroy the world, and the mighty of the earth shall be scattered like chaff.

6. Tell the dancers openly that Satan manipulates them all. He seizes them all by their feet and whirls them around to make them dizzy enough so that they can neither stand nor walk, nor sit, nor sleep, nor rest, nor see, hear, feel, smell or taste, nor sense, for they are all dead and, therefore, can neither be advised nor helped. And even if they wished to turn to Me, they would feel like somebody whom a strong one had seized by the feet and whirled around. If he were to look up to the sky he would not see the sun, but only a bright streak blinding him so that he would close his eyes, unwilling to see anything any more.

7. The person whose physical eyes are blind has still the possibility of seeing with his spiritual eyes. But he, who has turned blind in his spirit, remains so in eternity.

8. Tell the gamblers that they first gamble away their life and eventually everything that has been given to them for their life. For gambling is a well filled with poisonous dirt. The gamblers believe it to be a hidden source of gold and keep burrowing in it daily, inhaling its pestilential odor, poisoning themselves through and through and finding their spirit's eternal death instead of the imagined gold.

9. Those who have the Scriptures, but do not read them are like thirsty men beside a well with pure water which, however, they do not want to drink, either because of a certain spiritual dread of water like rabid dogs that instead of drinking some water and recovering will rather bite into the hardest stones to quench their thirst, or very often because of a certain indolence. They prefer to be served by certain idle servants stinking slime from the nearest mud-hole to quench their thirst and eventually perish.

10. Tell the love-makers: Whoever walks in the flesh, walks in death and his lust will soon become the food of maggots. Only he who walks in the spirit will reach the light, the original source of life. His share will remain forever and keep increasing.

11. Those who are fashion-crazy tell in all earnest that they will be standing naked before their most just judge. Their splendor will vanish like bubbles. Their lust for power and pomp shall end in the lowest slavery, and they will be ashamed of their foolishness everlastingly. Is not he a great fool who wants to have a rubbish heap gold plated and has gems set in the worst kind of dirt instead of gold! Oh, that there are so many lunatics in the world these days! They regard the light as darkness and the darkness as light!

12. Already there is a star in the East that will pave the way for Orion, and the fire of Sirius will consume all of them. And I will fling great numbers of stars to the earth so that all the evildoers may perish and My light shine everywhere.

13. I, Jehovah, God from eternity, the True and Faithful, for a final warning. Amen.

14. This concerns first of all you, who have so poorly recorded this, and then all the others. Amen. This says the First and the Last. Amen.

Chapter 2


Thus spoke the Lord to me and within me for everyone, and that is true, faithful and certain:

1. You are the Lot of Sodom, but make sure that you do not suffocate in unchastely and thus participate in the heritage of the harlot, for you are unlike anyone before or after you. As a man you are entirely in the flesh and its lust, but as a spirit you are completely free with open eyes and open ears. You soil your body with dirt, whilst streams of light are poured upon your spirit. Your body feeds with the swine, whilst a thousand angels surround your spirit. You have filled your earthly heart with mire and dirt, but I have made My abode in the heart of your spirit. You talk with harlots, whilst I talk to you as a brother to his brother. You stink like a cesspool, and your spirit breathes the sweet odors of the highest heavens. You are a horrible creature, but your eye shines more than the suns. Therefore, cleanse your flesh and become one with Me so that I may become One with you.

2. Tell the fearful mothers not to raise their daughters to be afraid of men and the world. For what one fears one blindly obeys when the temptation arises and those who are feared have an easy victory. Let them teach their daughters rather to respect and love Me that I may be the victor and they despise the world and least on My boundless love. They shall not take them to public places to find a husband, but to Me. Let them bring them to Me and I tell you: Not one of their desires shall remain unblessed and unsatisfied. For I am a rich God who has plenty of everything which He can -and will- give in abundance.

3. The poor shall not beg at the doors of the rich where they experience the lot of stray dogs and their hearts are turned to sorrow and bitterness. They shall come to Me with great confidence, and I shall refresh them all. I shall give load to the hungry and drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked and heal the sick. The lame shall leap like a hart, the leper shall be cleansed, the blind will see and the deaf hear, and I will make the weak stronger than a lion. The timid shall become bolder than a colt and the aged shall find rest. The poor is My closest brother, I care for him. Therefore, the dogs shall not debase him, for the rich of the world are brothers of Satan and children of the devil in hell.

4. Tell My friends they shall not love My servants more than Me. They shall place their salvation fully in My hands, rather than keep it in their own hands, and completely rely on Me. For the servant must act strictly in accordance with the command, lest he be found unworthy. The giver of the law alone stands above it and can place whomsoever he wishes above it, too. However, as long as they are under the yoke, they shall be judged, but to those who come to Me I can remit judgment.

5. My church on earth is a bath of purification. Let him who has washed himself come to Me that I may dry him with the warmth of My love and keep him with Me. But the one who only enjoys the splashing and dabbling will fare, as do the mill wheels, which never get out of the water.

6. If someone has performed the works of true repentance, let him come to Me, and I will receive him like a prodigal son and keep him within My strength. For the servant can advise, but I can do it; the servant can instruct, but the salvation is My work; the servant can pray, but I alone can bless. My servant must pass fair judgment, but only the Lord has the right to show mercy. Therefore, let them not forget the Lord over the servants!

7. Tell them this faithfully word for word without hesitation, for if you want to love Me you must not fear the world, as I am more than all the world.

8. For the world I am a most insignificant hero for whom there is not much regard. The scholars look down upon Me and at the most call Me an honest man. Some of them ignore Me completely; for them I no longer exist others still admit some divine trait in Me, but only for a short time, then they let themselves be influenced by the worldly wise. Soon I am dismissed and at the most regarded as a God for old women. For some of My servants and workers, who imagine themselves great, I merely serve as an official seal and as an external kind of divine cover for their idle nonsense and their gross and utter foolishness and stupidity. There are some who permit Me still to retain My divinity, but for this I must allow them to make of Me what they will in their pursuit of temporal gains. And what is the worst: I must be a downright absurdity! Love and mercy I may have only as long as it suits them; then I must become more pitiless than a stone and must suffer Myself to be changed into a most despicable tyrant I am expected to rush from One tribunal to the next and pass one condemnation after the other. My love must therefore be only temporary, whereas My tyranny and harsh judgeship are meant to last forever. Oh, those utter fools! My infinite forbearance, gentleness, meekness and eternal love for My created beings certainly do not serve their greedy purposes, but all their plans shall soon be thwarted. Their accounts are before Me and the measure of their deeds has been almost filled, and their reward is awaiting them.

9. For him who does not know Me the way I am, and who I am, it would be better not to know anything about Me, for then I could still revive him in the spirit realm. But as things are they make themselves incapable of receiving My help as they deaden the life within them by destroying and slaying Me within them, thereby becoming vines separated from the grapevine.

10. This I now say: I am the sole eternal God in My triune nature, as Father in My divinity, as Son in My humanity and as Spirit in all life, action and cognition. I am from eternity the very love and wisdom. I have never received anything from anyone. Everything that exists is from Me, and whoever possesses something, has it from Me. How can I be a tyrant and one who condemns? -Oh, you fools! I love you and you scorn Me. I am your Father, and you regard Me as an executioner. Where I bless, you curse. Where I build, you destroy. What I raise, you bend down. What I sow, you smother with floods. You oppose Me in everything. If I were as you say that I am, truly I tell you the earth would long since have ceased to exist; indeed, it would never have been created! However, since I am the way I am, everything is still in existence as it has been and will be forever. And you will be the way you wish to be, without My condemnation, for you will be what you have made of yourselves. But those who accept Me as I am and love Me as I love them, I shall make into what they wish to be so that their freedom and joy may be perfect everlastingly.

11. Tell My officials and servants: My offices are not banks and changing-offices, for he who serves Me for the sake of money does not serve Me out of love. And the one who does not serve Me out of love is a stranger to Me in his service as I must be a stranger to him since he does not serve Me out of love; with him My account is already closed. And how can he be a faithful servant who sells his master's treasures illicitly like a thief at shameful prices? -Judas Iscariot sold Me at least for 30 pieces of silver not knowing in advance what would happen to Me; for he was deluded and became lost. But now -as already tortured, slain and raised from the dead, I am available every minute for a mere song. Oh you shameful thieves, you murderers, what can I compare you to? You children of the dragon, you brood of vipers! Are you serving Me like this, must I find you such? I had My dear Paul tells you that he who serves the altar shall also live of the altar, but only from the works of love, which works all that, is good. But you have no works of love and are, therefore, robbers and thieves and murderers of the Gospel and all truth. Know then: As the work, so the reward! Love cannot be had for money, but only for love. I am the very love and can never be won for any other price but love. I have redeemed all of you with love and, therefore, demand again love from you. So whomever wishes to serve Me, let him serve Me with the love with which I died for him on the cross. And he, who wishes to come to Me, let him come in the love that bled for him on the cross.

12. Tell the ministers and lords of the world frankly and truthfully that their offices do not rank higher than the offices in My kingdom. Soon I will destroy every office that is against Me. Woe to its servants! For I am the Most High, My law is eternal as am I and shall remain so in eternity. The moths, which are endeavoring to nibble at My law and make new laws from their dirt in order to eradicate My law, the latter will crush with all its weight and destroy them as though they bad never existed. Everyone who offends against My laws can be forgiven when he changes his ways, recognizes his mistakes, repents, turns to Me and remains in Me and I in him. But the One who tries to undermine My law shall be crushed by it, and he shall cease to exist forever. All the worldly laws undermine My commands, unless men who are instructed by My Spirit give them out of My love. Woe upon the tyrants and despots who rule because of the might and authority of their thrones. For when their measure is full, they shall experience the power of the weak. The ground is Mine and the field is Mine. This tells you the True One, the Eternal God of Love and Wisdom, and He makes it known through a fool to the worldly wise. Amen. I, Jehovah. Amen.

Chapter 3


Thus spoke the Lord to me and within me for everyone, and that is true, faithful and certain:

1. I am a good host, not a crumb of bread is lost. Whoever invests his capital with Me will receive high interest, and it will remain recorded in My heart, and the interest will be growing forever and ever. Look upward, you fool, and gaze at the starry sky! Who has ever counted the infinite number of suns and all the earths of which I have created thousands for every sun? And I, Who am truthful and reliable in every one of My words, am telling you: For a penny I shall give away an earth and for a drink of fresh water a sun. Truly I tell you: The smallest service of neighborly love shall be rewarded richly and abundantly.

2. You ask Me whether there are everywhere humans like here on the earth where you dwell. And I tell you: Yes, there are everywhere humans who are going forth from My bowels and who perceive Me according to the respective organ. Those who go forth from My hands and perceive Me according to My hands; those who go forth from My feet and perceive Me accordingly; those who go forth from My head and perceive Me according to My head; those who go forth from My hair and perceive Me according to My hair; those who go forth from My loins and perceive Me according to My loins; and altogether those who go forth from all the different parts of My bodily essence and perceive Me accordingly. Their life and happiness correspond to that particular part from which they have come forth. They are all My creatures whom I love, for I am love throughout and am the very love everywhere.

3. However, the people of this earth I called forth from the center of My heart and created them fully in My image. They were meant to be not just My creatures, but My beloved children who were not meant to perceive Me as God and Creator, but as their good Father who will, after a short trial period, take them back into His house to share everything with Him, dwell with Him everlastingly and rule and judge the universe with Him. And behold, all my creatures love Me as their Creator and gratefully enjoy their existence; but My children do not want their Father and reject His love.

4. Behold, it saddens Me when I see how every hour thousands upon thousands wither and pass away. Oh, if I could only help them! Is it not sad when the Almighty cannot help?

5. You ask Me again how this could be possible. Oh yes, I tell you, it is quite possible. Behold, all My creatures are held by My might but My children by My love. - My might commands, and it is obeyed, whereas My love only desires and gently bids the free children, but the free children refuse to listen and do not want to face their Father. Because they are free, as I am, I cannot help them if it is against their will. My might surpasses everything, but My will is subject to My children. But let everyone note this: I am your Father and am also your God and beside Me there is none other. Do you want Me as a Father or as a God? Your actions shall give Me the final answer.

6. Take note of this: Love dwells only in the Father and is called the Son. Whoever scorns this love shall be subject to the mighty Deity, losing his freedom forever and death shall be his share, for the Deity dwells in hell, too, but the Father dwells only in heaven. God judges everything according to His might, but grace and life eternal are only in the Father and are called the Son. The Deity destroys everything; but the Son, or the love within Me, has life, gives life and animates.

7. All this the good host and the thrifty Father is telling all His children that they may change their ways in order to receive the inheritance I have faithfully prepared and kept for them from eternity.

8. Tell your friends and brothers lovingly that I, their most loving Father, have already stretched out both My arms to press them all to My heart forever and ever. They shall on no account turn again away from Me, but shall keep gazing at My countenance, and My eyes will tell them and clearly proclaim how much I love them and how sincere My intentions towards them are.

9. Tell them: I have put their sins out of My sight and have washed them white as snow and there is no longer any obstacle. No longer will I be an invisible father to them. They shall always see Me and be happy and joyful. All their worries they shall transfer to Me.

10. Oh, how gladly I shall take care of them! What are all the joys and beatitudes of My heavens for Me, the Father, compared with the bliss to be loved by My dear children as their only true Father!

11. Behold, I give you all the beatitudes for this one bliss, which I have reserved for Myself. And therefore My children shall call no one but Me their Father, which I am and to which I am fully entitled, and no one may take this right from Me as I am the only one and there is none other besides Me.

12. Behold, I will call them all (i. e., your friends and brothers) by name: H LV T S S A A S S. They shall all receive My fatherly salutation and still today, if they so desire, shall the gates of heaven be opened to them, which are the eyes of their spirit; and already today will I dwell in their hearts. Only one thing shall they do with determination, namely, cleanse their flesh in the well that contains living water. And they shall take a staff that is half black and half white, break it in half, throw the black part at the feet of the world and keep the white part as a token that they have broken with the world and its flesh forever.

13. This means that they shall in all earnest go within, recognize themselves and then present their discovered weaknesses to Me in their hearts. I shall remove the dirt from their hearts and fill them with the fire of My divine fatherly love. Thus cleansed they shall then show themselves to the priest through and in the confession. Thereupon I will come and share the joyous feast with them before the altar.

14. Tell them also that they must on no account take offence at anything in or about the church, for I purify every food I recommend for the one who wishes to partake of it in spirit and in truth and so he can enjoy it without fear. What I give to My children is clean and is not desecrated through the outer form for those for whom I have blessed it. I shall bless the temple, and the place where they are shall be hallowed. For I, their holy Father, shall be in their midst wherever they go, and not a hair on their head shall be hurt.

15. Tell them in no uncertain terms: My love is waiting for them, and I will not close My arms before all of them are resting in My embrace, where they will behold their most loving, holy Father face to face, and their joy will never end. Amen!

16. Tell all those who seek Me that I am always at home and never go out and that I do not have fixed hours or times when a person may come to Me as with the kings on earth and the great ones of the world. Thus, a loving heart is welcome to Me not only on a Sabbath or Holy Day, but every minute, and even at night I have not ever barred the door to anyone. So whenever you will knock, I shall say "Enter!"

17. You must and can tell openly whether I have ever compelled you in any war or whether it was at all times left to your free will to come to Me with a question you wanted to ask and if I have ever failed to answer your question. When you asked Me from hell, I gave you an answer, and when you were on earth, I spoke to you, and I spoke to you in the heavens. My ear is open to you day and night. What you are writing here, you write at your own time and leisure, and I am always satisfied with how long and how much you wish to write. Therefore, tell them faithfully that it does not matter to Me, but whenever someone comes to Me, he is heard and accepted.

18. Tell the children that they must not mock Me, but that they shall take this seriously. Tell them that I am never facetious nor do I appreciate a joke. I take everything seriously concerning the great and the small, the young and the old, male and female. I do not make exceptions.

19. For behold, I instantly and forever destroy My creatures that are useless. But for My children I have plenty of punishments, and I shall discipline the disobedient to the last drop of their blood, when they will surely recognize that I am at least the master of the house if they do not want to accept Me as the loving, holy Father.

20. Woe betides those who misunderstand and misinterpret My fatherly chastisement! I repeat: Woe betides them! They will be rejected by the Father and will have to deal with their forever-inexorable God. These things I am telling you, an inefficient, lazy servant. Amen. I, Jehovah. Amen.

Chapter 4


Thus spoke the Lord to me and within me for everyone, and that is true, certain and faithful:

1. My grace is a rich treasure. Whoever receives it will not ever be in want of anything, temporally and eternally. Therefore, let everyone endeavor to obtain it forthwith, for I give it to whoever wishes to have it.

2. For behold, if you want forgiveness of your sins, they are forgiven you provided you do true penance through Jesus who is My living Word and the love within Me. The gates of heaven are open to you, and if you want it you can enter and behold the face of your holy Father who is I, the eternal God Jehovah.

3. You can do that with the help of the living Word, which is Jesus Christ or eternal Love and Wisdom within Me from which keeps flowing all that is good and true. Love has been given to you from the very beginning, for it is the actual life within you, as is the might in My creatures, which, since it does not possess freedom though it also issues from My love, is not love itself, but only the effect of love. This is as such without life and, therefore, whatever goes forth from the might is dead matter with only an apparent life, which is in reality death.

4. Therefore, if someone attaches his love to the material world, his love is crushed by the might of death, and the result is the lot of matter, or death.

5. But he, who directs and attaches his love to Me, reunites his love with the love or life of all life and thus becomes alive throughout.

6. But now behold: Love in itself is blind and dark, which makes it free and independent, but also in great danger of becoming lost and perishing.

7. Therefore, I add to all love for Me, depending on its intensity, a proper share of light, which is a gift and is called grace. With this I flow into everyone according to the degree of his love.

8. If a person has the love, thereby animating My law within him, which is the highest love, streams of light will be poured over him, and his eye will penetrate the earth and behold the depths of the heavens.

9. Tell the children and tell all, of whatever religion they may be - Catholics or Protestants, Jews, Turks, Brahmins or heathens, - in short, it concerns all: There is but One true church on earth and this is the love for Me in My Son and is the Holy Spirit within you, manifesting through My living Word. And this Word is the Son, and the Son is My love and is within Me and I permeate Him completely and we are one. Thus I am within you, and your soul, whose heart is My place of residence, is the sole true church on earth. Only therein is eternal life, and it is the sole beatific church.

10. For behold, I am the Lord over everything that exists. I am the eternal and almighty God and as such also your holy and loving Father. And all this I am in the Word, but the Word is in the Son and the Son in the love and the love in the law, and the law has been given to you. If you observe it and act accordingly, you have absorbed it. Then it becomes alive within you, exalts you and makes you free, and you are then no longer under the law, but above it in the grace and light, all of which is My wisdom.

11. And that is the bliss, or the Kingdom of God within you, or the only beatific church on earth. And life eternal is only in this church.

12. Or do you think I dwell within the walls, or in the ceremony, or in the prayer, or in the worship? Oh no, there you are quite wrong, for I am only where there is love, being Myself the very love or the very life. I give you love and life and unite only with love and life, but never with matter or death.

13. I have overcome death and subjected the Deity in order to have all the power over everything that exists, and that My love may rule forever and make alive all that is subject to it.

14. And how can you believe that I wait for you in death when I am life itself? Therefore, go first into the true church where there is life, and only then into the dead church that it may become alive through you.

Source: The Household of God, vol. 1 via Jakob Lorber


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